
Seasonal Variation: Time and height section

Zonal Mean Temperature

time-height section of zonal mean tempeature at 70-80S
time-height section of zonal mean tempeature at 10S-10N
time-height section of zonal mean tempeature at 70-80N

Zonal Mean Zonal Wind

time-height section of zonal mean zonal wind at 70-80S
time-height section of zonal mean zonal wind at 10S-10N
time-height section of zonal mean zonal wind at 70-80N

Climatology: Meridional Cross section

Zonal Mean Temperature & Zonal wind

latitude-height section of T and U

Residual Mean Circulation / Eliassen-Palm Flux

latitude-height section of residual mean circulation and E-P flux for DJF
latitude-height section of residual mean circulation and E-P flux for MAM
latitude-height section of residual mean circulation and E-P flux for JJA
latitude-height section of residual mean circulation and E-P flux for SON